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Wolf howling beneath a blood moon Design Featuring tribal style tattoo


Beneath the blood moon, a wolf howled. His song, an honest lament. The night listened. It was a solitary howl, solitary as the moon. The wolf sought truth, sought authenticity. Its voice echoed through the stillness. The untouched snow bore only one set of tracks. His. The world and he, chaotic and impenetrably profound. All around: ice, silence, darkness. A silver muzzle pointed at the red sphere. The price of lunar romance, the price of mysticism: solitude. Terminal solitude. A whistle swept the valley. His secret lay with the blood moon. His heart screamed in the cold.

Generating Your Own Wolf Tattoo

Why not try designing your personal Wolf for a temporary tattoo?

Creating a Tribal style, long-lasting semi-permanent tattoo now!

How to Apply your Temporary Tattoo

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