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Mandala reflecting in a tranquil water pool Design Featuring trash polka style tattoo


There was a pool. Clear and tranquil. A Mandala painted on its floor. All loops and curves. No start or end. Just harmony. The sun was high. Rays pierced the water. Reflecting the pattern. Like echoed whispers. The Mandala shimmered. Dancing on the surface. Telling tales of the cosmos. Tales of life’s paradox. He watched it. Leaning over the edge. Seeing himself in the kaleidoscope. His fears. His strength. Pool and Mandala. One sentient thought. A mirror into his soul. He was the pool. Quiet and deep. He was the Mandala. Complex and complete.

Generating Your Own Mandala Tattoo

Why not try designing your personal Mandala for a temporary tattoo?

Creating a Trash style, long-lasting semi-permanent tattoo now!

How to Apply your Temporary Tattoo

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