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Golden cross encrusted with sapphire gems Design Featuring traditional style tattoo


He wore a golden cross. Small, heavy, encrusted with sapphire gems. It symbolized sacrifice. His soft spot for the needy. And his melancholy nature. He was quiet. Spoke only when needed. His eyes, thoughtful. Gazed through layers of life. Saw sad matters. An understanding of the deep, dark sea. Akin to the sapphires on his cross. He was a sailor. Loved the sea. Fantasy and reality intertwined. Often lost in a labyrinth of thoughts. Gave up his wishes. His wants. For others. Satisfaction, he found, in small actions. Infinite joy in the quietude. Wearing sacrifice and melancholia. Adorned with the sapphire-crowned cross.

Generating Your Own Cross Tattoo

Why not try designing your personal Cross for a temporary tattoo?

Creating a Traditional style, long-lasting semi-permanent tattoo now!

How to Apply your Temporary Tattoo

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