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Cross standing alone in a misty graveyard Design Featuring traditional style tattoo


In the misty graveyard, a cross stood alone. Starlight glinted off its harsh edges. Silence and cold; its only companions. It asked no questions, it offered no answers. Souls had come, souls had left. Their echoes lingered. The cross remembered. It listened to the whispers of each departing breath. Felt the weight of every silent prayer. A marker of endings, it knew; a symbol of beginnings, an assumption. It observed, embraced the eternal cycle; life, death, rebirth. Its existence questioned the meaning of being, unendingly. The sentinel of the sleepers, alone it stood. Solemn, patient, it watched the graveyard sleep. Everywhere, the mist danced.

Generating Your Own Cross Tattoo

Why not try designing your personal Cross for a temporary tattoo?

Creating a Traditional style, long-lasting semi-permanent tattoo now!

How to Apply your Temporary Tattoo

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